
A traditional scholarship system rewards equally to players with owned assets and scholars without owned assets. And the reality is that while a player with his own assets can be considered an investor, a scholar is not. The goal of scholarships, in addition to expanding the universe of players and investors, is for users to have the opportunity to test the ecosystem before making an investment. For this reason, scholars should be encouraged not to be purely extractive and aim to stop being scholars in order to have their own assets. It is for this reason that the rewards for weekly missions will be in Γ‘cks, which will allow:

  • That the scholars begins to have his own assets.

  • That the scholars can gradually build his deck.

  • That the scholars can improve the deck provided by his manager with his own cards.

  • The scholars can stake his own cards while not using them.

  • That the scholars can interact with the Marketplace.

  • Less DoD issuance/circulation.

On the other hand, when the scholars obtain DoD as a PVP reward, they will be able to use it for the corresponding defragmentation.

On the other hand, the managers who decide to grant scholarships in a project, do it evidently because they are trusting in it, and the trust in a project is reflected in the value and growth of its token, in this case the DFK.

In general, managers or academies are the biggest holders, so it makes sense that they are rewarded with a token that support the ecosystem. In addition, making this change also helps to reduce DoD circulation.

Likewise, by receiving part of the rewards also in DoD from the performance of the scholars in PVP, managers will have both tokens at their disposal, facilitating both the reinvestment and the expansion or growth of their scholarships.

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