Magnaryuz World Economy

Putting together the Ingame and Offgame economy, the diagram would look something like this:

Although visually it may seem somewhat complicated, the reality is that once the theoretical foundations behind economic design are understood, it is very easy to understand.

In simple terms, the characteristics of this design are as follows:

  • Ingame Marketplace: Transactions using $MWG made in the Ingame Marketplace will have a Tax that will be distributed as indicated.

  • Marketplace Web (Offgame): Same logic as Ingame Marketplace.

  • Ingame NPC Market: The $MWG used in NPC purchases will be burned 95% and the rest will be distributed as rewards to the $LoM and $DFK Stakers.

  • Magnaryuz World Packs: When a user creates a new Magnaryuz World pack, 100% of the $MWG used will be burned while the $DFK used will re-enter the ecosystem.

  • DeFraKen Packs: Same mechanics as above, with the inclusion of the $DoD token.

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