DFK Mint

The DFK for Fragmented Spells will be generated solely and exclusively based on the number of weekly active players (WAU), with a previously established maximum. The procedure to calculate the DFK to be issued is as follows.

  1. The total DoD of the GCRS is taken as a reference. The GCRS DoD is equated with the DFK based on its average values for the previous period and a correction factor is applied.

  2. The DFK required to be issued is obtained and compared with the established maximum, if the value is lower the total is generated, if the value is higher the established maximum is generated.

DE = Deck Equivalency, a ratio between the DoD they generated in stake vs. the rewards they could have obtained by being used to complete the weekly missions.

WSR = Ratio between DE and WAU.

DFKe = DFK Equivalent

RCRSDFK = DFK reward by card staking per user

RSDFK = DFK reward per DFK staked

TDFK = DFK issuance for Fragmented Spells ecosystem (Treasury)

DFKe will be taken as the basis and distributed as follows.

Last updated