
The spell book will contain the information of the spells defragmented by the player, i.e. to complete it the player will have to defragment the cards. Buying them in the Marketplace will not register the card in the spell book.

Once the collection is completed (only of playable cards, it does not include prizes), the player will receive a reward in DFK tokens that will depend on the player's position in the collection.

In addition, those who own the complete spell book will receive a bonus reward when fighting in PVP. Completed spellbooks are also a NFT, so they can be traded on the Marketplace. A player who completes a spellbook and decides to sell it, will lose the benefit of the reward bonus in PVP and the player who acquired the spellbook will receive it.

Players may complete as many spell books as they wish, but the rewards will not be cumulative.

Last updated