Card Types

Creature: Creatures are the warriors that are deployed on the battlefield. These can be melee, ranged or mixed attack warriors, and in turn of the magical or physical damage type. Mixed attackers enter the battlefield by default as a melee attacker.

Artifact: Artifacts are devices that are deployed on the battlefield. Equipment: Equipment are weapons, tools or objects that are deployed on a warrior. The equipment deployed on a warrior must match both the attack type and the damage type. For a mixed type warrior to be able to perform ranged attacks, he must be equipped with ranged type equipment.

Sorceries: Sorceries are single-use spells whose effect is applied during the current round. Transmuting

Transmuting crystals: Transmuting crystals represent the energy to conjure spells. You must have the necessary energy in addition to having enough transmuting crystals of the specific type. The total energy equals the sum of transmuting crystals in play. Each spell will require an amount of energy of a specific type, requiring at least the same amount of transmuting crystals for its execution.

The types of Transmuting crystals are:

  • Quartz Crystal

  • Ruby Crystal

  • Amber Crystal

  • Emerald Crystal

  • Sapphire Crystal

  • Onyx Crystal

Energy example: If you have 3 Quartz Crystal and 2 Ruby Crystal on the battlefield, you have a total of 5 energy points. If you want to play a 3 cost Quartz Crystal card, you can do so, but if you want to play a 3 cost Ruby Crystal card you can't, but you can play two 2 cost Ruby Crystal cards and you have one energy point left over that you can use to play a 1 cost card, either Quartz or Ruby.

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